Friday, April 13, 2018


THE END HAS FINALLY COME. Not a zombie apocalyse, at least not yet or ever, but this is the end of the project. Hard work and the frustration has paid off in creating a project all on my own. 

This is the Documentary excerpt: 

This is my CCR:


We are almost at the end. This project has been a challenge, yet it has provided me with great joy. I have pushed myself further than I thought possible and I am glad that I decided to create a documentary on a topic that I feel strongly about and a topic that is controversial in the United States. 

Here is the poster: 


So I thought that there was something missing on the website, which is why I decided to do a trailer. Now I know nothing on how to create a trailer, but I incorporated some new footage as well as some footage and audio that will be seen on the excerpt. Now with the trailer finished, the website is officially done. 

Check out the trailer below 

The social media links are all incorporated and working and the background is great. I say this because when I went to check on my website after I published, the background was fall themed, but while editing I did not see that.

The Creative Critical Reflection is almost done and this project is almost done as well and I am super excited of what is to come. 

This was an amazing experience that defintely got me out of my comfort zone. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Editing Days #3 and #4

I can tell you straight up that I am not the best editor and I comepletly struggled during this process. I have been working for the last two days on editing the documentary and trying to figure out how to organize it. I think I found the organization of the documentary difficult because when I went to do the interviews I would always change questions but I didn't realize that asking the same question might have been a better option in order to develop the story. I also felt that my B-roll was the same thing, just in different locations, mostly looking at the back of a crowd. Though I could see that it creates my perspective and what I see, I felt like it was too repretitive. But we shall see what the audience thinks (my classmates). 

Though I do know that in the end, I tried my best and I am proud of what I have done and the challenge that I put my self through. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Poster Changes

My poster was technically all finished, but I went back to check if it keeps up with the conventions of a documentary poster and I found some mistakes plus I also did some research on PBS again. 

So starting with the changes, I decreased the font for the production line above the title of the film and I also added a slogan kind of line where it tells you a little bit about  what the documentary will be about. I decided to go with "Our Right.Our Life." which represents the debate with the gun control issue. 

Another element that I changed was Frontline which is a section of PBS that show documentaries. But I then realized that they are narrated and I didn't want someone to narrate the story so I decided to go with PBS POV which shows documentaries through point of views which works perfectly with my documentary. 

Monday, April 9, 2018


I have been working on the website yesterday and today and I am almost done with the website, I just have to create my trailer for the opening of the website and change some pictures to make it look nice and link my social media sites that I have chosen which are Facebook and Instagram which reaches my target audience of 15+ students and parents. 

I have also been writing what I am going to say for the CCR and how I am going to organize it. 

Time is ticking but I am excited about how it will turn out. 

Saturday, April 7, 2018


I am currently working on the webiste and I am writing down the tabs that I feel are necessary and what I am going to write on each tab. I am creating a rought draft of what I want to say and I will go back and make sure that what I wrote is appropriate and mature.

I will then have to add the video when it is done, which it almost is and I will add some pictures that I took from the marches that I have been thoguhout this documentary process. 

As of right now, there will be the tabs:

- Watch Excerpt 
-Where to Find
- About
- Episodes
- Contact

This is what I have so far. 


The poster was a long process, longer than I actually thought. 

It took me a couple tries to figure out which pictures I was going to be using in order to represent both sides to a story. That is why I needed two pictures. Now one of the pictures was taken from afar and on my computer it looked extremely blurry. So what I had to do was to look for the picture again on my camera and took a picture of the picture. it worked out and it doesn't look blurry. I was in between two pictures, but the one that I picked allowed me the space at the top to include a "review" and the film festival selection logos. 

Now to festival logos were another issue that I ran into.
Many people would choose the obvious, Sundance Film Festival and I had that on my poster until I realized that my documentary is a series which made me question which festivals accept episodic content. 

Now you might be wondering why not Sundance. And the problem was that the running time of the entire series must add up to 180 minutes. Now I could do the documentary separately by episode but I felt like the best thing was to show them together. So I didn't do Sundance. 

So after the list above, and more research not shown on the page, I decided that the film festivals in the United States that allowed for episodic content was Hot Spring Doc Film Festival, SXSW Film Festival and SF Film. I went through about 20 film festival website requirements to figure out if they accepted episodic content. 

Now after I finished looking for the film festivals, I had a problem finding a logo for Hot Spring because there wasn't one with a transparent background. So I found an old one and I deleted the year, which worked out. 

Another issue that I ran into while working on this poster, was the credits. Those credits actually killed me. No seriously. It took me about three or even more hours to figure it out. So I don't have photoshop which would have most likely made my life easier. So what I did is I found a movie poster credit font that I could use and downloaded it. At first everytime I would type the "directed by' or the "edited by" etc. would show up and I didn't know how to type my name, but I figured it out that I needed to use the caps lock for it to work. So when I figured that out I thought that I was done, but that was not the truth. I needed to figure out how I could make the background of the text transparent, which is what took me the longest. I looked up a tutorial on YouTube on how to do it using Pages on Mac. It worked but it was a real struggle. I took a while for me to handle it, but in the end I figured it out. Though it is not the best quality, I tried my best. 

Now the poster is technically done, except for the website domain, which I am working on the website and when I publish I will write the name on the poster.

I also wanted to talk about the PBS Logo at the bottom which is seen in docuemntaries that have been acuqired by PBS like "Dolores" and "Bill Nye: Science Guy" . These were both on distributed first on a film festival and later acquired by PBS. 

Friday, April 6, 2018


During this group meeting, I talked to my peers about my struggle with the poster. 

Let me explain. Due to my target audience being a large one (15+ students and parents) it means that the poster will have to change depending on where it is going to be. For example, my final poster will be the ones integrated into a film festival that includes the credits and the official logos of the film festival. But when PBS acquires the film or even when PBS distributes to Netflix and Amazon, the poster would look different. For this reason, I have decided that though my final poster will be the one distributed to the film festival first, I will create another poster in order to fit my target audience. 

In my next post, I will be talking about the poster and how it is going.