Saturday, March 3, 2018


      When thinking about what I wanted to do in order to capture a part of life, I wanted to go through the sporting route. My first thought was to do a documentary about gymnastics and maybe about a specific olympian who works in a gym near were I live. Another idea would have been my brother. My brother's dream since he was four was to become a professional soccer player, and at 19, he plays  in the Czech Republic. But being 5,114 miles away, it would have been difficult. He comes home about twice a year and when he was here, in the States,  planned on filming him, but he got sick and was not allowed to play by my mother's command. He needed to get better before the season began. I felt doomed to be quite honest. I was scared that I wouldn't know what to do.

      On February 14, 2018,  23.4 miles from my high school, a ex-student from Majory Stoneman Douglass High School opened fire and killed 17 people. It hit really close to home. Walking the halls on Monday morning, there were signs of gun facts all around. It expressed anger and frustration for what was happening and for what has not changed. It was at that moment that I felt this need to express the two sides of the argument about gun control.

Photos by Elisabeth Mitrano

      On Feburary 21, there was a walkout in which students at 10:00 A.M. walk out of school in protest. My High school participated in this event and I took some pictures and videos  to be utlized in the documntary. But I do have to say that while filming and listening to testimony from students that were involved in the school shooting, I felt awful to film the pains of others and it got me thinking that photojournalist do this for a living. It makes you question the ethical aspect of journalist. How far should you go for a story? But to many the story is a way to make others understand, learn and foster realization.

      My documentary is about capturing both sides of the gun control argument.

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